WWE Payback Preview: Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns

Recently, Braun Strowman has been the best thing on Raw. This Sunday, he faces Roman Reigns in a pivotal match. Who should win? Who will win?

As WWE Payback draws closer, the LWOS Pro Wrestling department will be taking a look at all the matches. Now, one of the most intriguing bouts on this card is that of Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns. Since destroying Reigns (during which, Braun flipped an ambulance), Strowman has been one of the best parts of Raw. Actually, no. Strowman has been, bar none, the best thing on Raw. However, total mindless destruction can only get you so far (see here: Ryback). So, what implications does this match hold for WWE and fans alike? Maybe, just maybe, could Strowman be the one to get Roman Reigns over? Who will win, or rather, who should win? Let’s find out.

WWE Payback Preview: Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns

The Case for Strowman

For all intents and purposes, Braun Strowman should absolutely come out on top this Sunday. First off, he has been white hot for the past few months. For one reason or another, Strowman has become a total fan favorite on the red brand. Truthfully, he’s part of what makes Raw watchable. Everything about Strowman screams that he should stay hot here, and fans would love it. Since seceding from the Wyatt Family, Braun has gone from “limited hoss” to “capable big man.”

Even when looking at Braun Strowman inside of kayfabe, there’s no reason for him to lose here. Again, didn’t he just annihilate Roman Reigns a few weeks back? So, in theory, Reigns should still be licking his wounds. Technically, if they had to take him to an ambulance, he shouldn’t even be in the match. There is no way that they have Reigns booked to win, right? Well, as fans know all too well, that might not be the case. So let’s take a look and make a case for Roman Reigns.

The Case for Reigns

In the grand scheme of the operation of Vince McMahon, it’s relatively easy to make a case for Reigns. At this point, most fans know that he is “Vinnie Mac”‘s golden boy. Therefore, it might make sense that he is booking Reigns to win this match. However, that just…it doesn’t make sense. Inside of kayfabe, outside of kayfabe; it doesn’t matter. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t happen.

If you want to get Roman Reigns over with the fans, this is the storyline to do it in. But not yet. If WWE really wants to put Roman over, have him lose this time. And have him lose badly. Somehow, they need to turn Braun Strowman into a monster heel. Then, finally, Roman Reigns becomes the white knight to come and take Strowman down. Don’t pull the trigger just yet, WWE; this storyline could yield amazing results for you.

Final Prediction

Personally, I have just enough faith in WWE Creative to get this one right. This Sunday at WWE Payback, Braun Strowman will emerge victorious. First, and most importantly, he is white hot with the fans right now. If they choose to book it right, that will make his turn into a true heel that much better. Additionally, Roman Reigns should not even be in this match in terms of kayfabe. This actually helps him, as it might force the fans to sympathize with Reigns if WWE still wants to get him over. Finally, this win could really be the last step for Strowman to reach superstardom. And that, my friends, is why fans should expect Strowman to come out victorious this Sunday.


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