Preview: Smash Wrestling ‘New Girl In Town’ (4/9/17)

This Sunday, Toronto, Ontario, Canada’s Smash Wrestling presents New Girl In Town, live from their new home at the Phoenix Concert Hall. While the event is not airing live to iPPV, it will be available on-demand a week later, like many other top indie promotions. If you’re in the Toronto area, check it out live, if not, watch it online next week! Here’s a run down for another excellent card presented by Smash Wrestling.

SMASH CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH (No Disqualification): Tyson Dux (c) vs. Jimmy Havoc

Tyson Dux is an Canadian indie legend, who’s faced some of the best talent in the world – many may remember him from his opening round match-up against Zack Sabre Jr. in last summer’s WWE Cruiserweight Classic, when he was the sole Canadian representative in the tournament (well, kayfabe wise – The Bollywood Boyz, although announced from India, are actually West Coast Canadians). Though he lost against ZSJ that time, he would get his revenge a few months later at Smash vs. Progress. Late last year he became the first Canadian to capture the Smash Championship (following such international stars as Mark Haskins, Matt Cross and Johnny Gargano) and this Sunday he may have his toughest task yet – facing the hardcore UK icon Jimmy Havoc. Back in February, Havoc replaced last minute pull out Penta El Zero M at F8ful 8, but laid down a challenge that he was coming for Dux’ title. Havoc is becoming a regular in Smash of late and coming in hot off having a few PROGRESS showcase matches for the WWE at WrestleMania Axxess this past weekend. Will the WWE experience soften the British Lunatic? Unlikely. Considering Dux began as a more hardcore wrestler and that this is a no DQ match, this one might get bloody.

FATAL 4-WAY: Brent Banks vs. Jeff Cobb vs. Michael Elgin vs. Tarik

Two of Ontario’s top indie performers – the athletic and charismatic Brent Banks and the lethal Tarik – join with two international indie SUPERstars in Jeff Cobb and Michael Elgin for what should be a diverse and stunning show of force and athleticism. Banks has been a perennial contender for the title the past few months as has Tarik. Jeff Cobb gained notoriety portraying the monster Matanza Cueto in Lucha Underground initially, but his ringwork under his own name the past year in such promotions as EVOLVE, PWG, RevPro, Beyond and more are creating an absolute Superstar. Michael Elgin has been a force for years now on the indie scene, capturing the ROH World Heavyweight Championship, IWGP Intercontinental Championship, PWG World Tag Team Championship and more. With four diverse wrestlers in the match-up, this is going to be a real “Holy Shit!” kind of a match.

TAG TEAM TRIPLE THREAT: American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) vs. The Well-Oiled Machines (Braxton Sutter & Psycho Mike) vs. Super Smash Bros. (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson)

Three fantastic tag teams collide in a three way of epic proportions. Despite their seeming differences on Impact Wrestling, the American Wolves are reuniting for this special battle. These 7-time World Tag Team Champions (2x ROH, 5x Impact Wrestling) will be bringing their revolutionary tag team connection into battle against another legendary tag team, Super Smash Bros. A CHIKARA staple for nearly a decade (where they captured the Campeonatos de Parejas Championship), they also had a 232 reign as PWG World Tag Team Champions, after defeating The Young Bucks (ironically, they lost them to another competitor on the bill, Michael Elgin and his tag partner Brian Cage in the Unbreakable F’N Machines). The third team is the darkhorse, but the Well Oiled Machines are a fan favourite tandem in Smash Wrestling. Long before he was on Impact Wrestling, Braxton Sutter was wrestling for Smash in the Great White North and he still continues to do so. His tag partner, Psycho Mike Rollins, has been getting more and more of the affection from the Smash audience of late, so it’ll be interesting to see if Sutter starts to show signs of resentment. With the current turmoil between Richards and Edwards, there’s potential for that short truce to fall apart as well.


Prior to becoming Allie on Impact Wrestling, she was Canadian indie sensation Cherry Bomb, and like her husband Braxton Sutter, she continues to call Smash home when she can. Her year long feud with Rosemary was an absolute classic. This time she returns to face another Canadian who’s making waves on the indie scene, Xandra Bale, who’s been wrestling with SHINE, SHIMMER and WSU in the US of late. These are two ladies who can hit and hit hard.


Speaking of Rosemary, the Queen of Decay returns to Smash for her final indie appearance with them after being a regular for years. Rumours of a new Impact exclusive deal would appear to be the reasoning, but regardless, if you’re in the area and haven’t seen Rosemary live, you are missing out on one of wrestling’s greatest characters of the past year. As frighteningly good as she is on television, she’s better live. With that in mind, I feel sorry for her opponent, who happens to be the corporate shill Sebastian Suave, who seems more intent on garnering product placement and sponsors than anything. In all honesty, he’s a fantastic performer in his own right, but with Rosemary bidding farewell to her Canadian home, Suave has a better chance getting an Apple sponsorship than getting out alive.


Almost exactly a month ago, Smash uber-heel Kevin Bennett crashed a Toronto concert for Buffalo metalcore band and Epitaph RecordsEvery Time I Die to taunt guitarist Andy Williams and his desire to be a pro wrestler. It didn’t end well. Regardless, Andy Williams has challenged Bennett to a fight this Sunday and Bennett may have bought off more than he can chew. Williams may be a newcomer to the wrestling world, but he’s hot off a victory over Braxton Sutter and Allie this past WrestleMania week, when he and partner Penelope Ford (another Smash alum) scored the win at Joey Janela’s Spring Break event last Thursday night in Orlando.


The opening match of the card features another couple of Ontario veterans. “The Hacker” Scotty O’Shea is a 14-year grappler from nearby Hamilton, Ontario and he’s facing off against one of the finest big men on the Canadian indie circuit, John Greed. This man has size, power and stunning agility for a man his size.


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