Smackdown Live Review: Final Build to TLC

Final Build to TLC: Smackdown Live is making a quick turn around to it’s next pay-per-view, as TLC is just around the corner.

Smackdown Live is making a quick turn around to it’s next pay-per-view, as TLC is just around the corner. Tonight’s show features a main event of American Alpha against the Wyatt Family to determine the number one contender for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship and a contract signing for Becky Lynch and Alexa Bliss for their Smackdown Women’s Championship match this Sunday night. Let’s see what WWE has planned for the final build to TLC.

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Smackdown Live Review: Final Build to TLC

Renee Young opened the show in the ring and introduced Alexa Bliss and Becky Lynch for the contract signing. After both ladies entered the ring, Bliss told Young that they could handle it and that she would only call in Young if they needed “bad fashion advice.” Sick burn. Bliss said that Lynch only won because of dumb Irish luck. Lynch compared Bliss to her four-year-old cousin in that she is whiny and obsessed with glitter. Lynch signed the contract and Bliss mocked her for being too nice and saying people can accomplish anything. Lynch said being nice did not get her the opportunity to be a part of the biggest women’s match in Wrestlemania history or being the first Smackdown Women’s Champion. While Lynch was talking, Bliss acted like she was getting sick and said that Lynch’s talking makes her want to vomit. Bliss signed the contract and made a reference to Lynch growing up on a potato farm. Lynch took a shot at Bliss across the table and hit her with a t-bone suplex. Lynch set the table up and put Bliss up on the top rope and attempted the suplex off the top. Bliss fought it off and pushed Lynch through the table. Bliss smiled as she looked down on the fallen Lynch. The commentators touted the return of the Ambrose Asylum and a tag match featuring Dolph Ziggler and Kalisto against The Miz and Baron Corbin.

Rating – 5/10: The talking was just ok here, nothing special. It seemed a little odd to see the face go off over what seemed like such a non-personal comment like a potato farm, but the crowd was receptive.  The bump through the table looked somewhat painful as Lynch sort of overshot the table.

Back from commercial, the announce team replayed the Lynch and Bliss spot that literally just happened minutes ago. Ziggler, Kalisto, Corbin and Miz all made separate entrances for their match. The match went in to commercial about 30 seconds in with Corbin pounding on Ziggler.

After the break, Corbin was still in control over Ziggler and knocked Kalisto to the outside. Corbin tagged the Miz in while Ziggler was on the floor outside. Miz grabbed a ladder and set it up against the ring steps and tried to throw Ziggler into the ladder. Ziggler reversed it and hit a spike DDT. Corbin ran after Ziggler but ate a super kick for his efforts. Ziggler got back in the ring and made the tag to Kalisto. Kalisto hit a few of his signature moves. Maryse pushed the ladder over on top of Ziggler outside of the ring. Inside, Kalisto hit Salida Del Sol, but while the referee counted the pin, Corbin smashed him with a chair to force a disqualification.

Rating – 5/10: Nothing memorable from the match but did its job in setting up the chair match and the Intercontinental Championship ladder match on Sunday. Ziggler and Miz have a chance to steal the show. Hopefully Corbin can move on to better things after he finishes off Kalisto on Sunday.

Backstage, American Alpha was asked about their match tonight with the Wyatt Family. They pointed out that they won the tag team turmoil match last week and that they will prove that they are the premier team on Smackdown.

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The Wyatt sounder played and Bray Wyatt stood in front of Luke Harper and Randy Orton. As Wyatt started to talk, Orton said he was like American Alpha before but now he sees everything in a different light. Orton said he and Wyatt were the only ones that mattered, which caught a look from Harper. Orton addressed Harper and asked him if he would do his job against Kane tonight. Harper stood face to face with Orton before Wyatt told Harper to send Kane back to hell.

Carmella made her entrance. She took the microphone and said she wanted to apologize to John Cena for what she does to Nikki Bella at TLC on Sunday. Carmella said she would hit Bella in the chest with a chair that her “Bella twins” would blow out of her back. Carmella told Cena she would do him a favor by messing her up so bad that she would stop talking to him about getting married. Bella’s music played and she ran down and took down Carmella. Eventually, Carmella got away while Nikki stood tall in the ring.

The announce team set up a video that recapped the AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose and James Ellsworth drama over the last few weeks. Dean Ambrose made his way to the ring for the Ambrose Asylum and introduced James Ellsworth. Ambrose asked Ellsworth if he ever imagined being where he is now. Ellsworth said he showed up and kept coming back and thanked Ambrose for helping him. Ambrose pointed out that Ellsworth has earned the right for a Championship match and because of that, asked him who he is rooting for on Sunday. Ellsworth said he would love the opportunity to fight Ambrose for the Championship but that he has beaten Styles three times, so he thinks he would have a shot to beat him again. AJ Styles made his entrance.

Styles asked if this was supposed to be entertainment or not. Styles stood up on the announce table and said Ellsworth was just a prop to insult Styles. Styles said that he was going to beat the respect out of Ambrose on Sunday. Ambrose said he was going to beat Styles this weekend for the Championship. Styles shoved Ellsworth in to Ambrose, who crashed in to the ladder. Styles then threw the top portion of the ring steps on to Ambrose then went back in the ring and hit Ellsworth with a ladder. Styles performed a Styles Clash to Ellsworth from the second step of the ring steps to the floor. EMTs stretched Ellsworth out of the arena and in to an ambulance. Ambrose was standing there and said it was his fault.

Rating – 7/10: First off, completely over the Ellsworth stuff.  It’s time he is nowhere near the title picture, however, I have no idea where he will go from here. Second, that Styles Clash looked absolutely brutal. Incredible spot.

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Kane made his way to the ring for his match with Luke Harper. The two shared back and force spots where neither man really moved much. Kane clotheslined Harper over the top rope as the show went to commercial. Back from commercial, Harper was in control and performed a few of his signature moves. Harper caught Kane with a super kick, but Kane kicked out. Kane and Harper made their way to the top where Kane performed a superplex on Harper. A few moments later, Kane pinned Harper after a chokeslam.

Rating – 5/10: Well, many people will not be happy to see Harper lose to Kane. However, it feels like they are setting up Harper being on his own and away from Wyatt, which in the long run is what he needs. The match itself was very slow and plodding at times.

Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton made their way to the ring followed by American Alpha. Early on, the Tag Team champions were shown watching from a tv monitor in the backstage area. Chad Gable got the best of Orton after the teams went back and forth for a short stretch. After a commercial break, Wyatt was in control on Gable. Orton tagged in and hit a few moves on Gable. Orton tagged Wyatt back in and he continued to beat up on Gable. Rinse and repeat. Orton hit a beautiful superplex on Gable, but Jason Jordan was able to receive the hot tag. Jordan went to work on Wyatt before being cut off by a cross body. Jordan hit a couple more suplexes before the Wyatt sounder played. When the lights came back on, Harper was standing at ring side, which distracted Jordan. Jordan turned around into the setup for Sister Abigail before Gable drop kicked Wyatt. American Alpha set up for Grand Amplitude, but Orton hit an RKO on Gable. Jordan speared Orton and attempted to spear Wyatt, but ran into the turnbuckle instead. Wyatt hit Sister Abigail to win the match for his team.

Backstage, Heath Slater and Rhyno were asked about their match when AJ Styles interrupted them saying they do not matter. Ambrose attacked Styles and the two fought through the room as the show went off the air.

Rating – 7/10: A good match down the stretch. While I feel that Alpha should be featured as the prominent tag team, the right team won tonight. The Wyatt’s need some momentum and they can win the titles on Sunday and go in to a feud with Alpha. Plus, Alpha has an out thanks to the Harper distraction. The backstage segment was a good brawl, but it already seems like Ambrose got his revenge on Styles. Sunday’s show should be good.

Read More: Smackdown Live Review – Becky Lynch versus Alexa Bliss



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