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The Denver Broncos Should Have Given Up

Broncos Given Up

Obviously, the 2023 season hasn’t gone the Broncos way. And it started early, with a 1-5 record. Even though there were some high points in the middle of the season, it was over before it started. But it wasn’t always clear. Sometimes it felt like Denver could possibly make a playoff run. But it should have been obvious the entire time. This was a lost season the entire way, with nothing to play for. Here’s why the Denver Broncos should have given up a long time ago.

The Denver Broncos Should Have Given Up

Nothing To Play For

When Denver fell to 1-5, the season was over. Head coach Sean Payton didn’t fix the organization. Starting quarterback Russell Wilson didn’t light the team on fire. And the Broncos simply didn’t look like a contending ball club. With the playoffs out of reach so early, there didn’t seem to be anything to play for. The Denver Broncos should have given up right then. Why play for nothing? Why risk injuries? And why give the fan base hope when there never was any?

As early as Week 6, the Broncos needn’t have tried to win anymore. It would have saved fans from fruitless energy. It would have saved injuries to future ex-Broncos. And it would have allowed for young players to improve with playing time. But the biggest benefit of all to tanking the season would have been a high draft pick, which is now just another loss.

Everything To Lose

The Broncos had everything to lose by winning any more games. Every loss led them closer to the #1 overall pick in the 2024 NFL Draft. And every win moved them further away from Caleb Williams. When a quarterback is being compared to Patrick Mahomes, the league takes notice. And the Broncos should have listened too. The Denver Broncos should have given up, because it meant drafting a future star. But no, apparently they didn’t need a future Hall of Fame quarterback.

Instead, Denver tried to win. And they did, and it was fun for a while. But the cost was too great. Not only did the Broncos not move toward a high draft pick, but they also refused to sell their veteran players. But by not having a fire sale, they bankrupted themselves for future seasons. And yes, they won a few games and went on a streak. But now that the season is over and the playoffs are out of sight, it was obviously not worth it. The Broncos hurt themselves with ever game they won this year.

The Denver Broncos Should Have Given Up

Some knew early what others know now, that the Broncos are a bad team. They needed to keep losing, back when they were 0-3. When they went 1-5, the case was even more clear. That they won a few games during the middle of the season was exciting for fans, but it was false hope. Denver is now out of the playoffs, and any wins were for nothing. Losses would have led to a better draft pick. They would have led to trimming fat contracts. And they would have led to accountability where it was needed. Now, next season is already tainted. And no one knows when the team will be clean again.

Main Photo: Isaiah J. Downing – USA Today Sports


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