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Los Angeles Rams Fans Don’t Care About Studies

Los Angeles Rams Fans

The highlight of the week in football may have been the release of the results of a scientific study regarding 2018’s best and worst fans of NFL teams. Its brief buzz sparked reactions since from the two fan bases considered the worst that proved to be spectacularly typical. Kansas City Chiefs fans, said to be ‘angry’ by their local media, along with players openly put those responsible on blast. In contrast, Los Angeles Rams fans don’t care about studies by outsiders and made little noise while players gave it no recognition or credence.

Los Angeles Rams Fans Aren’t Concerned With Studies

Rams fans were given yet another reason why they should feel bad, be embarrassed, or even shamed into hiding for loving a team that doesn’t get the support it deserves. Well, nobody’s slitting their wrists as yet. This is, after all (excluding government these days), the drama capital of the country. In addition, accepting what others can’t understand or choose to ignore is a bit of a way of life in these parts.

When people outside of Los Angeles think of the city, they aren’t thinking Rams first. They don’t think Dodgers or Lakers first either. They’re thinking Disneyland, the beaches, Hollywood (and all its glory) and more. Lots more. The ones that can’t visit often enough get jealous of these beaches, the weather and celebrities sightings, etcetera.

This is why as many as able come to Los Angeles and other parts of California. You can’t beat it, join and become a part of it. People do, and from all over the globe. New England, Philadelphia, even Dallas can’t match up to Los Angeles this way. A moderate portion of current Rams fans have no invested emotional history with the team and, therefore, have no dogs in any ‘best fans’ hunt.

Why would anyone ever expect a city like Los Angeles to be at or near the top of some study about fan loyalty? Even core fan bases in southern California — the loyal die-hards — that wholeheartedly support their teams have more to do in Los Angeles during the off-season than the New England Patriots fan base did during the height of their team’s championship run. Go study that.

Kansas City Chiefs Players and Fans React

Some Chiefs fans were “angry,” as described by local media and local personalities. At least a couple of Chiefs players also voiced opinions, including their superstar quarterback, Patrick Mahomes.

I have to admit, I totally get this. This is more amazing than the Rams being last, actually. Los Angeles isn’t one of those places that defines itself by its sports alone, but what do you think about when you hear Kansas City? If you said, Chiefs and barbecue…I know, right?

The Chiefs have a long and storied history in the NFL that passes eye tests even on the west coast. Furthermore, a young dynamo just bum-rushed the captain’s chair and took the team and its following into hyperspace. After the season Mahomes just accomplished, I wouldn’t have anything he’s connected to anywhere near last in any category, especially at capturing the hearts of fans. Sad to admit, he’s even captured the heart of my significant other over my team’s Jared Goff.

The Last Word Regarding This Study

My dad used to say, “You can prove an elephant can scratch his butt while standing on top of the Empire State Building in theory.”

Colorful description, sure, but he meant that numbers can manipulate and the world’s most brilliant minds will always theorize astounding possibilities. Theory put to practical everyday use is an entirely different study. That said, first keep in mind that this is a professor doing a football study scientifically. Take it with a grain of salt.

Second, nothing at all personal but if you pronounce Jacksonville’s team the Jag-wires you probably should refrain from talking football much in football public. Just sayin’.

Third, there were research lists and surveys conducted from more respected football sources earlier in the year. You’ll find that they have Philadelphia Eagles fans and New England Patriots among the nation’s most obnoxious or arrogant. Sorry, but you can’t top those list AND any ‘best fans’ lists, too.

Lastly, such studies and surveys come out annually. They are really nothing more than time and space-fillers, especially this time of year, mere water-cooler conversation pieces mostly amusing to outsiders. In this study’s case, specifically, Mike Lewis and Ada Chong of Emory Market Analytics Center (EmoryMAC) tweeting on Lewis Sports Analytics, I wouldn’t doubt if one purpose here was to draw needed attention. Their study comes out annually, too. Yet and still, how many of you have heard of it until this well-posted-on-social-media year?

Los Angeles Rams fans, especially, don’t need anyone’s study to tell them their fan base isn’t what it should be. But the Rams are a winning and growing franchise now so if you approach their core fan base with more pointless studies, expect the majority to continue react the same way. Something all-Californian-like, like, “Whatever dude.”

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