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What Do The New York Jets Do With Darrelle Revis?

What Do The New York Jets Do With Darrelle Revis?: Darrelle Revis without question is one of the greatest players to ever step on the gridiron.

What Do The New York Jets Do With Darrelle Revis?

Revis Calls Out the Jets

Darrelle Revis without question is one of the greatest players to ever step on the gridiron. Not just for the New York Jets, but for the league itself, he will be remembered as one of the greatest to ever do it, and rightfully so. He earned the moniker Revis Island for a reason.

Unfortunately, his play this year has been such a rapid deterioration of a once great player, that he can no longer be considered as one of the best corners in the league right now. Revis is most likely a first ballot Hall of Famer but until he retires he needs to realize he is not the player he once was. He wants to retire a Jet and he has made that very clear, but calling out the organization that you left in order to eventually join their arch rivals; is not really the way to go about doing that.

Does Revis Have a Point?

“My thing would be this: Do the New York Jets want to treat my situation with class or no class?”. That is what Revis said, and he is right and wrong in that statement. The Jets have always stood by him and gave him the money he felt he was entitled to, until he was traded in 2012 to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and the joining the New England Patriots for the 2014 season.

Now, joining the arch-rival of any team is a big no-no to most people, but to then be welcomed back with open arms and a very large check? You can not really be too upset with that. By Revis saying what he said, it makes him seem expectant and that he deserves it. That being said, he does deserve it to a certain extent as the man is without a doubt one of the greatest cornerbacks the game has ever seen. He should be treated with respect, but he should not demand it, nor try to sway public opinion to think the organization is mishandling his situation.

That is not the way to convince the team to help you out after a dismal season. Revis still has gas left in the tank if he makes the switch to safety, but as a shutdown corner, he is done. The Revis Island Era is over, and now its just the clean up.


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