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Josh Rosen Is a Perfect Fit for the New York Giants

Josh Rosen has the most unique personality out of all the top quarterbacks. He is someone who doesn't shy away from his personal opinion and always speaks his mind. Here's how he could succeed with the New York Giants.
Josh Rosen

Josh Rosen has the most unique personality out of all the top quarterbacks. He is one who never shies away from his personal opinion and always speaks his mind. A guy like this could be destroyed in a place like New York. However, Rosen can be the type of guy who actually thrives in this environment. Rosen has a unique skillset, somewhat similar to Tom Brady.

Why Josh Rosen to the New York Giants Makes Sense

Skill Set to Last in New York

Rosen is undeniably one of the most talented quarterbacks in this class, if not the most talented. However, he speaks his mind too often. Although he speaks his mind, he has the talent to back what he says. This would be the first time in 15+ years where the New York Giants have a vocal quarterback. Eli Manning said minimal words to the New York media and was loved. Rosen would bring a new dynamic to New York and back it up with his play. The New York media also will not tolerate losing. Rosen is a proven winner who would make the New York media fall in love with him quickly.

A Future Quarterback Is Needed

It is no surprise the Giants are looking for a successor to Manning. Rosen could be the guy to fill in perfectly. The New York market wants results and they want them quickly. Rosen is the most pro-ready quarterback in this draft. He does not need a year to sit behind a quarterback, but it will help tremendously. If he were to sit behind for a season, he would be immediately ready to start come 2019. He would come in the same way Aaron Rodgers did when Brett Favre retired. Rosen would have the potential to be an immediate star. Also, after one more season, the Giants should have more weapons and protection so his growth would not be stunted.

A Year Behind Eli

This is the most important part of why Rosen is a great fit for the Giants. He can wait under the wings of Manning and ready himself for the NFL. Rosen wouldn’t be forced to start for a team like the Cleveland Browns where his career could end before it even starts. He would be learning from one of the best NFL quarterbacks and preparing to jump right into action once called upon. Manning is one of the most well-respected players in the NFL for his leadership and command of the team.

Although the analysts do not see that side of him, many players have made it known that Manning leads by example and has great respect for his players. This is something that executives and scouts bash Rosen for constantly. So, being behind a player like Manning could truly be an eye opener for this vocal young man and help him grow into the type of player he could become.

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