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The Holier Than Thou Targets Martavis Bryant

The holier than thou target Martavis Bryant after passing judgement upon Antonio Brown, Le'Veon Bell, and Mike Mitchell for perceived transgressions.

There is a strange phenomena going on within Steeler Nation, and it’s not clear when it started. The best way to describe it is the rise of the “holier than thou”. This segment of the fanbase seems to be full of miserable people hellbent on taking the fun out of everything. They are much more annoying than the “Fire Tomlin” crowd. The fire Tomlin segment wants Mike Tomlin fired for any and all reasons, but will at least make a valid argument from time to time. This new holier than thou segment of the fanbase mercilessly casts their judgement, instantly, for any reason, on any player. The holier than thou contingent now target Martavis Bryant for something he may not have even done.

The Holier Than Thou Targets Martavis Bryant

Used to be it didn’t matter what players did after the game, or during the offseason. The only things fans worried about was how players performed between the lines, which is how it should still be. Instead, the holier than thou crowd assert their judgement, from their moral high ground, on every perceived player misdeed. While they certainly deserve credit for their determination, they never let facts get in the way while passing judgement.

A good example of this is the dirty hit Mike Mitchell supposedly put on Alex Smith last Sunday. The holier than thou want him suspended despite video evidence that Mitchell was tripped from behind and fell into Smith. They say he is a thug, and the bandana he wears over his face during player introductions proves it. Really? Maybe he has an affiliation with the fan club “Stiller Gang”. Their members wear bandanas over their face, and they’re certainly not thugs. But hey, never let the facts get in the way of passing judgement.

Holier Than Thou vs Antonio Brown

Antonio Brown might be the most fan friendly superstar in the NFL, and perhaps all professional sports. Fans loved his weekly Facebook live videos and his many giveaways, in addition to his positive tweets. His displays of child like exuberance on the football field rivals that of Steelers legend Hines Ward. Brown is the epitome of a Pittsburgh Steelers player through and through. Is he perfect? No, because he is a human being just like the rest of us.

Unlike most superstars of his caliber, he is extremely gracious with his time when it comes to fans.  Brown took his fans many places with him, on plane rides, into his home, and to his workouts. He even let fans celebrate a postseason win with him and his teammates. Those Facebook live videos gave everyone an unprecedented peek into the personal life of the most electrifying man in football. Those who watched Brown’s live locker room video, celebrating  the playoff win over the Chiefs, loved and appreciated it.

The problems began a few days later, when the national media got a hold of it and started criticizing Brown. Once they labled him as selfish, a locker room cancer, the holier than thou turned heel on Brown in a heartbeat. This segment of Steelernation immediately dubbed him a selfish diva, calling for the Steelers to trade him. Selfish divas don’t open their lives to the extent Brown did. They don’t regularly interact with them on social media as much as he would. The holier than thou went after Brown again recently when he flipped a Gatorade cooler out of frustration.

The Holier Than Thou Target Martavis Bryant

The holier than thou are now focused on Bryant after spewing their venom upon Le’Veon Bell for missing training camp. These killjoys immediately called for the Steelers to trade the ingrate, when it was reported he was seeking a trade. How dare Bryant request a trade from the team who stood by him through all of his troubles? The holier than thou never let facts get in the way when it comes to spewing their vitriol filled judgement. Bryant denies seeking a trade, saying he’s happy in Pittsburgh.

Ian Rappaport  had sources claiming, just a few years ago, that Ben Roethlisberger was seeking a trade. That turned out to be false. Suppose Bryant went home after practice one night and vented about his frustrations with his reduced role. It’s entirely possible that Bryant’s girlfriend told his agent what he said to her, and the agent ran with it. After all, that agent would surely benefit from a trade that resulted in a new contract for his client.


Unfortunately, the holier than thou segment of the Steelers fanbase will never consider this scenario involving Bryant. They exist to criticize and cast judgement. How can these people possibly enjoy a game, let alone an entire season? Pittsburgh Steelers football is a three hour escape from the stress of the daily grind. Most fans feel good when the Steelers grind out a big win. In the case of the holier than thou, it appears to make them more miserable.

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