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Governor Sandoval preparing Nevada Legislature for Special Session

Nevada Governor Sandoval declared half a dozen seats in the Nevada Legislature "Vacant" last week and opens the door for a special session to be called for.

Last week the Southern Nevada Tourism Infrastructure Committee unanimously recommended the Raiders Stadium Proposal. The next step in the process is a stop at Governor Sandoval’s office. Both the Oakland Raiders, and the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, requested that Governor Sandoval call for a special session of the Nevada Legislature. Signs are pointing to the Raiders and Sands getting their wish.

Nevada Governor Sandoval declared half a dozen seats in the Nevada Legislature “Vacant” last week.

Not only that, but Governor Sandoval requested that those seats be filled by the counties they were in as soon as possible. This is pursuant to Article 4, Section 12 of the Nevada Constitution, and NRS 218A.260. New appointments will only be in office until November 8th. After which, those who are duly elected will take office. Understand, there is no “lame duck” after the election in Nevada. Once Nevada Lawmakers are elected, they take office immediately.

The timing of these appointments is what is interesting here. Nevada Lawmakers concluded business for 2015 and 2016, last year. This effectively opens the door for Governor Sandoval to call for a special session before the election.

Governor Sandoval has a short time frame to call for a special session because of Nevada campaign contribution laws.

If a special session is called, a legislator, governor, governor-elect, lieutenant governor and lieutenant governor-elect, may not receive or solicit a campaign contribution during the period beginning the day after the governor issues a proclamation calling for a special session and ending 15 days after the final adjournment of a special session. (NRS 294A.300; 294A.310)

The Election is November 8th. That leads me to believe that the Governor will announce special session during the last week of September. Coincidentally, State Sen. James Settelmeyer moved his fundraiser from September 28th, to the 27th. Settlemeyer’s action, might have clued us in on when Governor Sandoval will call for a special session, September 27th.

What does this all mean? Everything is lining up for there to be a special session of the Nevada Legislator in the first week of October. Lawmakers will then vote on the Raiders Stadium Proposal. I have heard there are three possible out comes.

First, lawmakers could decide with a 2/3rds majority, in both houses, to increase the Hotel Tax by .88 percent. Under the second option lawmakers could authorize Clark County the authority to vote on the tax increase themselves with only a simple majority in both houses. This would still require five of the seven Clark County Commissioners to approve the proposal. Last, but not lease, the Legislature could vote down the proposal.

If lawmakers pass the Raider Stadium Proposal, Clark County will then vote to adopt the proposal. This is not the last word, so keep a close eye out for news of a special session during the last week of September.


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