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Bears’ Caleb Williams On Forming Connections Within The Team

Chicago Bears Caleb Williams spoke to the team media about the importance of developing connections within the team.
Bears Williams

Chicago Bears quarterback Caleb Williams has impressed throughout the offseason with his persona and mentality regarding building relationships. During his press conference on June 12th, Williams emphasized the importance of the team’s players building trust and bonding before the season begins. He referred to how Matthew Stafford told his teammates that he loved them before the Rams won Super Bowl LVI. Love, connection, and determination are all keys to success in his eyes. Not just that, but to achieve greatness in the NFL, possessing more than just physical gifts is vital. The mental aspect of football wins Super Bowls, and so far, the signs are pointing in the right direction for Williams.

Bears’ Caleb Williams On Cultivating Relationships Within The Team

What Caleb Williams Believes He Improved on the Most So Far

“Building connections with my teammates,” Caleb Williams responded when asked what he had improved on the most since arriving in Chicago. It wasn’t an answer about himself, whether he improved his accuracy or physical state. Instead, it reflected his humility. From day one, Williams has shown that it’s never been about himself. It’s a team effort.

Williams often emphasizes “connection” when discussing his leadership on the team. For him, connecting with his teammates adds another dimension to winning in football. Playing for people who genuinely care about you motivates Williams, who envisions this connection as a crucial team aspect.

Williams’ Connection With Rome Odunze and Shane Waldron

Caleb Williams also mentioned how he started building a connection early on with Rome Odunze, knowing they might end up on the same NFL team. “When it’s time to laugh and joke, it’s time to laugh and joke, but you know, when we’re out there on the field, whether we’re in the film room, ITC, on the field, game days, or whatever the case may be it’s time to build on that aspect of our connection and relationship.” Williams recognizes the importance of not only building on-field continuity but also understanding his teammates on a personal level.

When asked about newly hired Offensive Coordinator Shane Waldron, Williams said this about their relationship: “We’ve been growing together, figuring out what works best for us. You know, whether it’s actually out there on the field and how we’re going to communicate, whether I’m actually on the field or the sideline, I’m always asking questions, trying to grow from the guy that’s going to be calling the plays for me. That’s one of the most, if not the most, important relationship for me.”

One in a William

Caleb Williams isn’t taking this offseason lightly. It’s evident he’s a man on a mission, displaying maturity beyond his years. Reflecting on his goals from when he was drafted, Williams said, “Being able to be the same guy, being able to go in there and lead the guys and hold them accountable, and they hold me accountable to go get it. Having those team goals. The only way you can reach them.” Going about the early stages of being a quarterback in the NFL, it’s clear Williams is approaching every day with the best possible mindset.

Main Image: David Banks – USA Today Sports


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