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Nevada Senate Passes $750 Million in Public Funding for Raiders Stadium

Nevada took another step in turning the Oakland Raiders into the Las Vegas Raiders. The Nevada Senate passed 750 million for a Raiders Stadium.

Nevada took another step in turning the Oakland Raiders into the Las Vegas Raiders. In my article yesterday, I informed my readers that the Nevada Legislature would pass the Raiders Stadium bill in all likelihood. With today’s Nevada Senate vote, it now only needs two thirds of the Nevada Assembly vote to make that a reality.

I watched this, via live streaming, and it was a dramatic vote.

Newly appointed Senator Julia Raitti lead the opposition with impassioned arguments. She spoke about her fears of an economic collapse. Her concerns about the conservative economic projections coming up short. In the end though, it was not enough.

Senator, and Minister, Kendra D. Spearman led the proponents with a magnificent speech about King Solomon, from the Bible, and of man who caught her leaving her church, who said, “I need a job.”

Speaking about jobs, the economy, and the benefits of a Raiders stadium were echoed among the sixteen senators that voted yes.

Nevada Senate Passes $750 million in Public Funding for Raiders Stadium.

With the senate vote out of the way, it now falls upon the Nevada Assembly. With Yom Kippur beginning this evening, and ending tomorrow at sunset, the assembly will not reconvene until Thursday. For the Raiders Stadium proposal to pass the assembly, with a two thirds majority, it will require 28 votes. After that, there could be a committee meeting to mesh the two bills should they be different.

Speaking of that, the senate did add an amendment. The amendment requires a minimum of 15% of the subcontracts on the Raiders Stadium to go to local contractors. Lets hope the assembly includes that language in its version of the bill.

While this is not the last word on the special session, it’s close to it. I want to thank Joe Arrigo, at, for his continued support and information, plus my other sources. They have been pretty close to dead center throughout this process, because accuracy is most important to me.

Next chapter will be on Thursday, so hang in there.


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