Andy Murray Undergoes Hip Surgery, Future Uncertain

Andy Murray confirmed that he has opted for surgery. The Brit posted on his social media that the operation had gone ahead.

The former world number one went under for hip resurfacing, effectively giving the Brit a metal hip. This is the same operation that Bob Bryan underwent last year. Murray will have a better quality of life without pain, after making the decision that could possibly have ended his career.

What now for Murray?

Still a relatively young man, Murray, who is only 31, should hopefully be able to live pain free now. Allowing him to play with his children, walk his dogs, and even put on his socks and shoes without pain.

All the above are taken for granted by most people; Murray will be pain free for the first time in a number of years. Having tried to live with the issue, the Brit had a smaller hip operation last year. Hoping to be able to resolve the issue and move back to competitive tennis at the highest level. Unfortunately, this did not work.

Following the Bryan timeline?

As widely reported, American doubles specialist Bob Bryan had the same operation that Murray has just undergone. Bryan also stated that the Brit was asking lots of questions regarding the hip resurfacing before making a decision.

“I’m really the only guy to be playing on tour with a metal hip. So he’s been watching me like a hawk, asking me how I’m feeling after matches, after practices, where I’m at” The American said during the Australian Open.

Bryan returned to competitive doubles in January, five months after having the same operation as the Brit has just had. The major question, that no one actually know the answer to is: Will the Brit’s rehab follow the same timeline?

If so, Wimbledon is five months away, which is where Murray stated he would want to play his last event on retiring. He tearfully announced the retirement days before the Australian Open started, and had hoped to bow out in London.

The other unknown to factor in is that Bob Bryan plays doubles, while Murray currently plays singles. Although the same sport, they are totally different animals. No player has yet gone back to playing singles after a hip operation.

When Bob Bryan returned to the tour, he joined back up with his brother Mike. Murray also has a brother who happens to be a doubles specialist. Andy and Jamie Murray to play Wimbledon together this year? The timeline fits?

Who knows what Murray will be doing in July? However, one thing is certain. He will be thankful he chose the operation, as quality of life is so much more vital. Will we follow updates eagerly? You bet we will.


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