How to Recognize a Good Professional Tennis Coach

Finding a tennis coach could be a difficult job and you need to find the perfect combination of professionalism and dedication. The right tennis coach would not only enjoy their job in professional tennis training, but also love the game enough to make it their passion.

Being a very technical game, tennis requires its players to have a professional tennis coach who understands every little detail of the game. If you are serious about getting a professional-level tennis training, you need to be very careful in selecting the right coach for the job.

  • Past Experience

A coach doesn’t only have to be a good player themself, but what’s more important is that they have experience as a teacher. Not everyone who is a good tennis player can become a good coach; a professional coach needs some extra qualities that may not be important when playing. It is important that the coach you are choosing has at least five years of experience in professional tennis training, so that you can judge their success rate.

  • Passion

A good coach needs to make tennis not only their profession, but also their calling in life. Tennis is a game for passionate professionals, and the coach you ultimately choose needs to reflect that. A coach would have to be passionate about everything that is related to the game and to you, including your own enthusiasm and zeal for the game.

  • Appropriate Certification

Not anyone can just wake up one day and decide to go into tennis training. Rather, there are certain certifications approved by the USPTA and the PTR in the USA, which is very important in ensuring professionalism and skill in a coach. Although it is not necessarily true that a certificate can guarantee an efficient coach, it is nevertheless an important factor in choosing the right coach.

  • Recommendations

Nothing beats a good recommendation, especially one coming from past students and satisfied clients. If the coach you are considering comes with good commendations from tennis players they have mentored in the past–especially disciples who have won a few matches and titles–it will definitely make your job easier.

  • Speedy Results

A professional tennis coach would always promise and deliver quick results, preferably within the first few lessons. A coach with experience of teaching will automatically know the right tips to offer their disciple, the ones they would know to be best in the scenario. A speedy result means that the level of understanding between the coach and the student is good, which is of course very important for the game.

  • Level of Playing

Even the best coach can’t teach you what they cannot or do not know how to do. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you decide on a coach who has played at a higher level that you are intending to reach in the near future. Always ask in advance for the level that your potential tennis coach has played themselves, because you need them to be more advanced than you plan to become.

  • The Right Personality

Like in any other sport, it is important that the tennis coach you choose has the right set of qualities–punctuality, dedication, knowledge, sociability, companionship, and especially the ability to push you to the right direction. A good tennis coach without the commitment to give you the adequate amount of encouragement cannot do you much good except to waste your time.

Above everything else, you need to be comfortable with your tennis coach, enough to be able to share your hopes and aspirations with them. It is crucial that you can be very frank and outspoken with your coach, so that you both understand each other perfectly!


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