The CanWNT Gets a Comfortable Win at Starlight Stadium

CanWNT Celebrates Nichelle Prince’s Goal as the CanWNT Gets a Comfortable Win

Simi Awujo and Nichelle Prince had unforgettable games for themselves as the CanWNT gets a comfortable win over the Matildas (Australia) with a 5-0 scoreline at Starlight Stadium. Many players played well including Ashley Lawrence, Kadeisha Buchanan, Vanessa Gilles, and Adriana Leon.

CanWNT Gets a Comfortable Win on Friday

Simo Awujo and Nichelle Prince

Simo Awujo was clearing balls late in the half and preventing the Australians from making ground. She also scored a fantastic goal from just outside the box, which meant a first-ever goal for the CanWNT.

READ MORE: Nichelle Prince: The CanWNT’s Speedster

While, for Prince, she really came to start the game ready to score. Not only did she score two goals, but had chances like the 21-minute and could have had three or four goals on the night in BC. Her second goal in particular was something to marvel. She was able to pivot at full speed when receiving Ashley Lawrence accurate pass into the box and put the ball into the back of the net. There were of course many others who played well, but these two deserve a mention for the game on Saturday.

Defence Was Solid for the CanWNT

The Australians kept turning over the ball and was unable to generate much possession in Canada’s half of the pitch. The midfield did a good job of keeping the ball from the Australians. However, credit should also be given to the defence for taking back possession and making it hard for the Australians to make any progress in the final third:

  • Jade Rose gained possession back for Canada in a dangerous position of the park.
  • Vanessa Gilles clears a dangerous ball out for an Australian throw in the 84-minute.

Australia never really threatened Canada in this game and it is credit to the CanWNT as they look in good form right now.

Matildas Turned Over the Ball a Lot

At certain points of the game, the Australians did not look confident in possession. This resulted in an early goal by Prince in the 10-minute of play. Cloé Lacasse also scored a similar goal in the 54-minute of play.

It felt like the Australians had their best part of the game when it was already 5-0. By then it was too late, as they turned over the ball a lot to Canada within their own half. However, credit to Canada for taking advantage of these chances on Friday night at Starlight Stadium.

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Other Factors and Australia’s Game Plan

READ MORE: Christine Sinclair And What She Meant for the CanWNT

Jade Rose deserves credit with her performance as well. She did not look out of place and made some big defensive plays against Australia. Also, Christine Sinclair and Sophie Schmidt came on the field today as substitutes in the second half in what was a sold-out crowd in Langford, British Columbia. They both will play their very last game on December 5.

However, it is important to note that the Matildas had most of their Starting 11 on the bench. Still, one can only face the team that is in front of them, and Canada did just that. Part of that reason might have been the Olympic qualifying games next February against Uzbekistan and trying new players out in these friendlies. However, it seemed to have backfired in this game, and expect a much more competitive game come Tuesday at BC Place (or known on that day as Christine Sinclair Place) in Vancouver, British Columbia. Fans can watch that game nationally live on TSN in addition to OneSoccer and Telus.


Photo Credit: Canada Soccer EN X Account and the Canada Soccer FR X Account on December 1, 2023.


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