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Haas aggressive switch to Red Bull F1 concept revealed

Haas will rely on an ambitious upgrade for the final rounds of F1 2023, as their Red Bull concept is revealed.

There have been virtually no updates from Haas this year, which is something fans have come to expect. Despite the F1 budget cap helping to level the playing field, the American team still struggles to introduce improvements. This is why their new package for this weekend’s American GP is so crucial – and could define their progress for the foreseeable future.

Many factors contribute to the lack-lustre development at Haas. Arguably, the most important is limited infrastructure. It is true that Guenther Steiner’s team lacks the financial muscle of its rivals, but this is just a surface-level issue. After all, the deficit in spending across the field is far smaller than what it used to be.

Instead, the team lacks the necessary facilities to test and produce its own parts. This is largely why the American outfit largely relies on Ferrari in many areas – a weakness they will surely hope to eliminate. Earlier in this year’s campaign, Nico Hulkenberg was very critical of this weakness. His complaints came at the Italian GP, where Haas was the only team with a circuit-specific rear wing.

Red Bull-inspired upgrades revealed

Needless to say, this department must be improved if Haas wants to be more competitive in F1. Regardless, this weekend will see a significant upgrade package introduced to the VF-23. Below are the first glimpses of the updates Haas machine:

As previously reported, severe changes to the sidepod have been implemented. More significantly, however, the floor has been changed. In this era of Formula 1, huge performance originates from this area of the car. There are easily the largest set of improvements and new parts added to the American car in 2023.

They come at a crucial time for the US team. After securing a double-points finish in Qatar, Alfa Romeo jumped Haas in the constructors’ standings. This boost in performance from Hinwil comes after their Singapore updates, which, after a few rounds, seem to have unlocked some speed. This is an issue that Haas will have to overcome in the limited time left this season.

Little margin for error

Typically, teams require time to understand and correlate their updates. Therefore, it is rare for teams to see instant improvements – aside from exceptional cases, as shown by McLaren this year. Guenther Steiner’s team will see their short and medium-term trajectory will be impacted by these latest updates.

Haas will receive data on several key areas. The first, and perhaps most important, is if their data from the factory correlates to the wind tunnel. Only if there is a strong correlation can teams confidently predict what impact their modifications will have. In addition, the next few races will prove if the team’s persistent tyre troubles are addressed. If they are to be competitive going forward, this is imperative.

The timing of these changes gives F1’s 9th-placed team very little time to respond. If the expected changes are not seen on track, winter development could become significantly complicated. At any rate, there will be pressure for the team to deliver on home soil and show signs of speed and potential.


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