F1 News: Negotiations over Turkey calendar return underway

Changes to the calendar have become increasingly prevalent in F1 news, with a possible return to Turkey set to capture headlines.

F1 has undergone several changes in recent seasons, with the calendar being no exception. Amidst the increasingly intense discourse surrounding the Formula 1 schedule, Turkey’s Istanbul Park could make a comeback.

There are several circuits whose contracts with F1 are expiring in the next two years.

With demand increasing amongst different potential host venues, new circuits could make appearances.

Not only new circuits, but old ones like Istanbul Park – who have lost their calendar slots – are under consideration.

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F1 calendar changes likely

Just last week, F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali hinted at potential changes to the calendar.

Furthermore, there are growing whispers that some tracks – especially those in Europe – could rotate.

This would involve select circuits being visited once every other year. This adds another layer of unpredictability to what F1 could look like in a few years.

After all, established venues like Belgium’s Spa Francorchamps are on relatively short contracts.

The unwillingness to offer these tracks long-term deals is proof of their somewhat precarious positions.

Over the next eighteen months, developments on this issue will be of huge consequence in F1 news cycles.

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F1 return to Turkey on the cards

As reported by tr.motorsport, high-level discussions about Turkey making an F1 return have already begun.

FIA President Mohammed Ben Sulayem is taking part in these negotiations.

The early indications suggest there is enthusiasm from both sides to reach an agreement.

“Is everything comes together” says Sulayem, a concrete agreement could be signed.

If this can materialise into Istanbul Park featuring in Formula 1 again, it would almost certainly be received positively.

Turkey is a well-established fan favourite in F1, owing to its unique layout and high-quality races.

As Formula 1 navigates a series of expiring deals, the next few years will prove integral for the sport’s complexion.

For the time being, there are reasons for optimism about an old favourite forming part of this future.


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