What Did Lane Kiffin Have to Say at SEC Media Days?

Lane Kiffin

The 2024 SEC Media Days kicked off on Monday from Dallas, where they’ll continue through Thursday. For Ole Miss, the opening day was the main day to focus on, as head coach Lane Kiffin was third to speak. While at the podium, Kiffin was asked a variety of questions. Those included queries about the new additions to the conference and the transfer portal. There was also a question about how to handle newfound success within the program.

One of the most notable distinctions from Kiffin’s time answering questions may have been his demeanor. The seemingly always joking, sarcastic, and somewhat playful Kiffin appeared more direct and professional than we’re used to seeing him.

One of the reasons for this change in demeanor could be the recent death of his father, longtime NFL coordinator Monte Kiffin. With this being his first public appearance since that news broke, it was the first time people could get a feel for how he was handling the news. As expected, it was clearly something that was still weighing heavily on his mind.

The other question is whether this is a new and (to some) improved Kiffin. With arguably the highest expectations the Ole Miss program has ever seen, is he potentially growing along with the program? Only time will tell the answer to that question. However, we did manage to get direct answers about other topics surrounding the program.

Kiffin on the Importance of the Transfer Portal

With the Rebels holding the number one class in 247 Sports transfer rankings, there was no doubt Kiffin would get asked about his views on the portal. When asked, he explained how a balance between the portal and high schoolers should be the common approach. He also pointed out that the approach probably changes every year, depending on the changes to the roster.

“I think it’s really critical to have a really good balance. I think that for us, the way that we do it, that changes every year.” He then continued that thought by following up with, “I think you can’t be stuck and say we’re not going to take any or this many percent of high school.”

Then, as he’s done numerous times before, he compared the portal to professional free agency.

“You’ll get stuck because you got to do just like you were in the free agency in the NFL. There are some areas you sign more and some areas you sign less; you lose some sometimes now; some guys come back and don’t go to the NFL that maybe you thought were.”

With his comments, he’s continued to make clear that he isn’t a huge fan of the portal. For many, that may seem odd, given the success he’s had with it. But with the added stress and constant changes to rosters, he certainly isn’t the only coach to speak on some of the problems and challenges that it brings.

What Does Kiffin Think About the Additions of Texas and Oklahoma?

Another question he got asked is one that virtually every coach is going to get asked about. That being the addition of Texas and Oklahoma to the SEC. With his response, he began by praising SEC commissioner Greg Sankey for getting the deal done.

“I think the commissioner has done an amazing job. That was in my notes to say, to thank him for how he continues to push our conference as the elite conference in college football.”

Following the introductory praise for Sankey, he then gave major praise to both incoming programs. Not only did he give credit to both programs as being two of the biggest programs in the sport’s history, but also the atmosphere that both of their stadiums bring.

“You talk about two of the top programs in the history of college football, and then as I look at things, too, like I said earlier, places that are really hard to play and then you get these night games filtered in and places get hard to play with fan bases like Oklahoma and Texas.”

While fans will argue about whether the two programs were needed, most of the coaches won’t. Clearly, they’ll cause plenty of schedules to get tougher. For some, that’s a downside. But for many, that proves to be a net positive. Furthermore, not that it’s needed, but adding Texas and Oklahoma will also bring up the overall value of the conference. That much isn’t up for debate.

How to Handle the New Expectations for Ole Miss Football

Kiffin was also asked about Ole Miss’ newfound attention in terms of the national landscape. For the first time, there are a lot of people viewing the Rebels as a national champion contender. Needless to say, it’s almost certainly the highest preseason expectations Ole Miss has ever faced. That fact isn’t lost on Kiffin.

When asked about how to keep his players grounded from all the media noise, he compared it to parenting.

“I don’t know that you contain it, you just continue to talk about it. Kind of like in parenting. You just continue to hit on it and hope that it sticks.”

He continued by pointing out that it’s harder to do so now, in the age of cell phones and social media. “Nowadays it’s harder as you mentioned because it’s coming to their phones all day long, how great they are or you’re in the ranked here and supposed to be ranked here as the receiver or any of that stuff.”

Finishing the thought, he reiterated the need to continue to hit on not buying into the hype. “I get it. We’re all humans. You read stuff you start to believe it when you see it enough. Just got to continue to remind them that really means nothing.”

Coming from the Nick Saban school of “rat poison”, Kiffin’s comments aren’t at all surprising. But Saban also proved to be a master of getting his players to ignore the hype and the rat poison. The question becomes whether Kiffin can have the same results.

The Bottom Line

Ole Miss finds itself in a relatively new spot as we near the start of the 2024 season. Expectations are high, and that pressure is somewhat new to most fans, and players, of the Rebel program. Most of what Kiffin said at SEC Media Days sounded good, from the balance in the transfer portal to the expectations surrounding the program. But in the end, words don’t matter. Words don’t win games.

For Ole Miss this season, results are mandatory. Kiffin seems to understand and realize that. The question now becomes whether he can relay that message to his players. Or, at least whether he can get it across to them in a way that sees those needed results.


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